Friday, December 26, 2008

Intro to Garden Questions

As mentioned in my profile, I am a Sequim WA. Nurseryman, formally Skyline Nursery which was a mail-order business as well as open to the public. I specialize in hard to find trees and perennials. I specialize in trees, perennials, natives and rockery plants, butI also grow many drought resistant plants as Sequim only receives 14 inches of rain, despite being in the Pacific Northwest.

As I had managed Santa Cruz Garden Center in Santa Cruz, CA, and worked at the U.C.S.C arboretum I am also versed in CA natives, Australian and N.Z. material ... some of which do very well here in WA. and even in parts of B.C. Santa Cruz Garden Center has been sold thrice over, but my rememberance will always be of the greatest employees ever!

In the early 1990's I used to be editor for Suite 101 -- Pacific Northwest Gardening for three years. On that site I would be able to answer garden questions. I hope to do the same here.

I would also welcome more discussion on alpines or on the care and management of bonsai as I am devoted to both. We have just created a website for bonsai but the articles are for members only. I will try to mirror my own contributions on this site.
EDIT -- as it turned out, this website makes money (as did Suite 101) in selling addresses to spammers. We killed it immediately and are looking for a new home. I just discovered that Google has a website program and I am trying it on for the Bonsai Club.